Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Today, July 28th, at 11:42am, I was on my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth before an audition for a Time Warner commercial.  Suddenly the mirrors on our closet started shaking and I heard a low roar.  My immediate reaction was annoyance because I thought it was excessive street noise: what kind of acute small-man syndrome must a person have in order make buying a ridiculously loud Harley a reasonable thing to do?  Our street is narrow and it amplifies the sound.  But then the floor started waving back and forth. 

I realized it was an earthquake and my first thought was "get under the bed frame."  This, however, would prove difficult, as we have a platform bed.  Yet, the logical problem with those two mutually exclusive truths escaped me in the moment, and as the building shook back and forth I knelt at the bed, looking for a way under.  When I finally realized that I'm an idiot, I jumped up and ran to the bedroom door frame... at which point the quake was over.  Good thing it was only a 5.4. 

My first quake!  Not too bad.  No damage - just fun. 

Thursday, July 17, 2008

I'm going to start periodically updating a list of "Strange Things I Do." Today's addition:

1.) When removing eggs from the egg carton, I always try to retain symmetry in the organization of the eggs. Meaning, if I'm cooking 4 eggs, I'll most likely use the 4 corner eggs (assuming the carton is full at the time). Since this symmetry is so important, I usually cook eggs in 2's.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Here are two things that have made my week feel.... Victorian:

1.) Quote from Anna Karenina (which I've never read before... the brand new Penguin Classic translation is awesome!  A friend and I are resurrecting the Pizza Hut book club "Book it" from when we were kids.  We're reading a book together and then going to PH to eat!  Although, I don't think they'll give us a personal pan pizza for free...  - I'll put this quote within it's paragraph at the bottom of this post): 

"All the variety, all the charm, all the beauty of life are made up of light and shade.

2.) A photo I just took for a Pride and Prejudice poster I'm making for Reduxion Theatre Company in Oklahoma: 
I hope someday I can be in a period piece movie.  Check out those sweet side burns. 

AK: "You're a very wholesome man.  That is your virtue and your defect.  You have a wholesome character, and you want all of life to be made of up wholesome phenomena, but that doesn't happen.  So you despise the activity of public service because you want things always to correspond to their aim, and that doesn't happen.  You also want the activity of the individual man always to have an aim, that love and family life always be one.  And that doesn't happen.  All the variety, all the charm, all the beauty of life are made up of light and shade." - p. 42

Monday, July 07, 2008

Well, after a week of almost nothing but this, the short is finally ready!  This is the second installment of some satirical shorts we're making about the Labor dispute in Hollywood (for more info, see the Backstage interview below). 

Enjoy!  And VOTE FUNNY FOR US! (watch it on Youtube too if you want!)


YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D44WhEE9QWw